Providing solution to children that walks for 6hrs daily to access education.
Three weeks ago, I posted the video of Ore Akinde Village in Ado Odo Ota LGA, Ogun state where the children walk 6 hours daily (3hrs to & 3 hrs fro) by foot from the village to the secondary school in town.
One week ago, I received a DM from Bilqis Williams MD, DF- FIGHR to which I immediately responded to.
We had a discussion on what to do for these children.
After our discussion, I travelled back to the village to have a community meeting (using the bottow – top approach) with the Baale and stakeholders in the community.
After discussion, the community wanted bicycles for the children instead of tricycles because of bad roads leading to the village and the financial implications of maintaining tricycles.
Today, all the children trekking more than 6 hours daily to access education have their own bicycles.
They couldn’t hide their joy and happiness.
No more stress.
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