The Girls' Count Project

Sex is a choice. Menstruation is not. She told me specifically, "Ma, on days when I am on my menstrual period, I don't come to school". I was taken aback and asked her why. She said and I quote. "Ma, the first time I started my menstruation, it was in school and I got stained, I didn't know until, a boy told me and the boys laughed at me. I felt so embarrassed, my parents don't buy sanitary pads for me. This was 2018 when we voluntarily started educating girls on menstrual hygiene and provision of disposable sanitary pads. I realised the one time provision of Sanitary pads cannot solve the challenge of period poverty faced monthly by teenage girls. Currently, 2,050 teenage girls have received NAFDAC certified, Washable, Reusable sanitary Pads, one storage bag for keeping the sanitary pads after use every month and, training on proper care for the sanitary pads and their reproductive health. No more skipping school because of unaffordability of sanitary pads. These girls will no longer buy sanitary pads every month. The little we do can make a lot of impact in the lives of many. Our target is to provide for 10,000 girls by the end of year. #publichealth #Contentwriter #helpingpeople #humanitarian