My question is "When do you intend to start?"
My question is 'When do you intend to start?"
The rising cost of foodstuffs is a thing of huge concern right now.
let's have a sweet gist😁.
Sit, cross your legs and enjoy this short story which started in 2017.
I was passionate about families having fresh food at home at all times.
I was particularly interested in household food and nutrition security.
I remembered when I was younger, mother would plant different vegetables on the small piece of land at our backyard.
We ate a variety daily; scent leaves, malabar spinach, jute leaves, sweet potatoes, okro etc.
At that time, food was not as expensive as it is now.
Then I started educating households on starting small home gardens.
No need for land- just buckets, large polythene bags, unused pants for planting different vegetables.
I remembered educating them on the need for small gardens which can supply the family with a variety of nutritious vegetables.
My goals were to;
1. Increase food availability in the household
2. Improve nutrition security.
3. Reduce money spent on food.
4. Means of exercise and medication.
Malnutrition is eating more deeply into many households, affecting the health of many especially children, women and men.
We need to go back to exploring small gardens to help improve household food and nutrition security.
Small gardens doesn't have to be on land anymore, we can make use of the picture sample here.
What do you think about having your own small food garden?
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