The village where children walk for 6hrs daily to access education.

Meet the village where the teenagers travel 6 hours daily, leaving their homes as early as 5:30 am on foot to school.

This is another story in my public health diary where I bring challenges faced by rural dwellers to people who may offer help.

Welcome to Ore Akinde Village!

A village in Ado Odo Ota LGA, Ogun state with no electricity, water, road, and 45 minutes – 1hr travel time by bike and 3 – 4 hours by foot.

A village where the children walk 6hrs of more than 1000km on foot daily to school.

The road path leading to the Ore Akinde is secluded with bushes on all sides.

I can’t but wonder the risk involved as these children travel by foot every day to and fro school.

One of the parents said to me and I quote

“I can’t read, I can’t write, if I receive a call, I can’t read the name of the caller. I have to call my daughter to come and tell me the name of the caller. That’s why I said at least my daughter should be able to read and write”.

I asked one of the mothers in the village if it’s okay to Interview her.

She shouted yes and said, “please our children are suffering and we want them to have an education because we didn’t go to school”.

This is a huge challenge and this post needs a VOICE.

interviewing one of the parents